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- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- es. Simply have a look at the source of this page by pressing "Edit this page". If you want to try som... a paragraph, you can use two backslashes followed by a whitespace or the end of line. This is some te... nly recognized at the end of a line\\ or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. This... y recognized at the end of a line\\ or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. You sh
- How to become a registered member?
- TA Registration}} Membership of APTTA is governed by Section 5.5 of the Constitution. The Finance Secr... er name is register after verification of payment by the Finance Secretary. =====Relevant sections of... ing under TTS (Tenured and Tenure Track) employed by any University/DAI/academic and/or research insti... f the Association, may become a registered member by payment to the Finance Secretary of such a subscr
- 15-54/A&C/2019/HEC-FAD(QA)/196: 5-3-2021 @docs
- fessor, Associate Professor, Professor =====Body by OCR===== In pursuance of the approval of the comp... dy been submitted to HEC or going to be submitted by the Public Sector Higher Education Institutions (... ction Board under the declaration to be submitted by the concerned Registrar stating that all appointm... sations. 04. To avoid delays, dossiers submitted by the faculty to the management of HEls for conduct
- 15-54/HEC/A&C/2020/1884: 16-10-2020 @docs
- nistrative Posts, Probationary Reviews =====Body by OCR===== The HEC Commission in its 36th meeting h... rementioned Previous Notifications will be upheld by the HEC as being applicable from the date of issu... (or to exactly the same position, if it is called by a different name in certain universities), as fol... Principal Campus; and c) the new policy approved by Commission (as set forth in the above paragraphs)
- 15-54/Coord/2019/HEC/(QAD)/119: 07-02-2022 @docs
- Tenure, Promotion, University Autonomy =====Body by OCR===== In continuation of HEC letter No.[[:docs... n of TTS faculty members will be decided directly by the relevant statutory bodies of the universities... ent HEC endorsement. Accordingly, decisions taken by the university under the [[docs:model-tenure-trac... tunity to be heard to any person who is aggrieved by such a decision. If he or she is still not satisf
- Welcome!
- S?"> The tenure track system (TTS) was introduced by the Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan in 2002 as part of administrative reforms by [[|Higher Education Commission]]... he performance of higher education in the country by attracting qualified people and improving the per
- 15-54/A&C/2019/HEC-FAD(QA)/195: 5-3-2021 @docs
- Leaves, Leave Policy, Maternity Leave =====Body by OCR===== Pursuant to the approval of the competen... ance with the applicable Government Rules adopted by Universities/HEls. 03. The HEC's previous clarif
- ED/HEC/TTS-105/04/78: 12-4-2016 @docs
- nistrative Posts, Probationary Reviews =====Body by OCR===== HEC’s Model Tenure Track Statutes illust... ement of the 1" term are completed satisfactorily by the faculty member. The Universities are, therefo
- Documents/Notifications
- tions related to Tenure Track System (TTS) issued by HEC or any other university. ====== Tag Cloud ==
- Election 2021
- Form</a></span> </HTML> This form can be filled by using Acrobat Reader. Please filled the form, pri
- Election 2023
- Form</a></span> </HTML> This form can be filled by using Acrobat Reader. Please filled the form, pri
- Election 2024
- Form</a></span> </HTML> This form can be filled by using Acrobat Reader. Please filled the form, pri
- Registered Members
- ing under TTS (Tenured and Tenure Track) employed by any University/DAI/academic and/or research insti
- CON.QA/HEC/TTS-105/01/15: 20-01-2016 @docs
- nitial Appointment, Advance Increments =====Body by OCR===== Reference HEC letter No. DG-QA/TTS-105/H
- DG/QA/HEC/2008/64: 24-4-2008 @docs
- **Keywords:** HEC, Study Period, PhD =====Body by OCR===== Reference is made to your letter No. NCE