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- How to become a registered member?
- he membership of the Association shall consist of members and registered members who are working under TTS (Tenured and Tenure Track) employed by any University/DAI... tion as is specified in the Rules. All registered members are entitled to voting privileges and are bound b... he Constitution and Rules of the Association. The members are also bound by the Constitution and Rules of t
- Registered Members
- ====== Registered Members ====== The membership of the Association shall consist of members and registered members who are working under TTS (Tenured and Tenure Track) employed by any University/DAI... K) and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). Only the registered members has the right to cast vote for decision of select
- ED/HEC/TTS-105/04/78: 12-4-2016 @docs
- sities while appointing / promoting the | faculty members on TTS, wittingly or unwittingly, take decisions ... nnual and Mid-Term reviews respecting the faculty members on tenure track before awarding them 2 Term on pr... continuous payment of TTS salary to those faculty members. Such a situation is contrary to the basic spirit... ll as mid-Term reviews respecting the TTS faculty members before awarding the 2™ term of probation. Accordi
- 15-54/HEC/A&C/2020/1884: 16-10-2020 @docs
- nal pay or allowance. Alternatively, such faculty members may be allowed to take a leave of absence from th... than a 20% of the time commitment of the faculty members with the approval of the university’s statutory b... -administrative positions taken up by TTS faculty members from the date of this notification, and the new p
- APTTA Council 2024-25
- s an elected body from among the APTTA registered members. This body is responsible for running the associa... ah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur - Executive Members (Females) (two seats): - **Dr. Saadia Masood
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- * [[home|Home]] * [[council|Council]] * [[members|Members]] * [[TTS-in-Media]] * [[Press-Releases]] * [[docs|Docs]] ~~NOCACHE~~
- 15-54/A&C/2019/HEC-FAD(QA)/195: 5-3-2021 @docs
- competent authority, it is notified that faculty members on Tenure Track System can avail all types of lea... leave period will also be allowed to TTS faculty members in accordance with the applicable Government Rule
- 15-54/Coord/2019/HEC/(QAD)/119: 07-02-2022 @docs
- appointment, tenure, and promotion of TTS faculty members will be decided directly by the relevant statutor... in order to ensure that the rights of all faculty members are protected, the HEC representative on the stat
- Election 2021
- ay, March 05, 2021. Following election commission members participated in the meeting: - Dr. Shaista Shah
- Election 2024
- n send us at <> ====Registered Members==== Please use the list share on group.
- Welcome!
- I want to express my gratitude to all registered members for electing me as the 8th president of APTTA. I
- APTTA Council 2020 @council
- s an elected body from among the APTTA registered members. This body is responsible for running the associa
- APTTA Council 2021 @council
- s an elected body from among the APTTA registered members. This body is responsible for running the associa
- APTTA Council 2022 @council
- s an elected body from among the APTTA registered members. This body is responsible for running the associa
- APTTA Council 2023 @council
- s an elected body from among the APTTA registered members. This body is responsible for running the associa