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- 15-54/HEC/A&C/2020/1884: 16-10-2020
- C/A&C/2020/1884: 16-10-2020 ====== **Subject:** Notification **Common title:** TTS Administrative P... owing sub-clause, effective from the date of this notification: “(d) In order to enable TTS faculty to obtain valuable managerial experience, non-tenured TTS faculty may be allowed to take up li... -cum-administrative responsibilities that require no more than 20% of their time commitment, and do no
- 15-54/A&C/2019/HEC-FAD(QA)/196: 5-3-2021
- 9/HEC-FAD(QA)/196: 5-3-2021 ====== **Subject:** Notification **Common title:** Promotion from DTRC ... of the approval of the competent authority, it is notified that all cases of initial appointment at th... In case a complaint is received at HEC regarding non-compliance of the minimum eligibility criteria o... nds provided to University as salary. The onus of non-compliance will be on the University, and violat
- 15-54/A&C/2019/HEC-FAD(QA)/195: 5-3-2021
- 9/HEC-FAD(QA)/195: 5-3-2021 ====== **Subject:** Notification **Common title:** Leave Policy **Numb... to the approval of the competent authority, it is notified that faculty members on Tenure Track System... matter as contained in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Notification No. CON.QA/HEC/TTS-137/329 dated December 04, 2017, shall henceforth not be applicable. <
- 15-54/Coord/2019/HEC/(QAD)/119: 07-02-2022
- 9/HEC/(QAD)/119: 07-02-2022 ====== **Subject:** Notification **Common title:** TTS Appointment, Ten... ===Body by OCR===== In continuation of HEC letter No.[[:docs:15-54_a_c_2019_hec-fad_qa_196_dated_5-3-2... /2019/HEC-FAD (QA)/196]] dated 5th March 2021 and No. HEC/QAD/TTS/POLICY/DIR/2021/796 dated 7th Octobe... grieved by such a decision. If he or she is still not satisfied, they may appeal to a grievance body t
- CON.QA/HEC/TTS-105/01/15: 20-01-2016
- ments =====Body by OCR===== Reference HEC letter No. DG-QA/TTS-105/HEC/10/2010/495/821 dated Oct 29, 2010. It has been noticed that while forwarding the recommendations fo... d="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:con_qa_hec_tts-105_01_15_dated_20-
- ED/HEC/TTS-105/04/78: 12-4-2016
- ing them 2 Term on probation. Previously, HEC has not been acquiring these reports from the universities. However, it has been noted with concern that some universities have been ... d="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:ed_hec_tts-105_04_78_dated_12-4-20
- 2(22/Acad(SS&H)/HEC/2017/236: 05-12-2017
- S&H)/HEC/2017/236: 05-12-2017 ====== **Title:** Notification **Common Title:** * Criteria for ... d="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:2-22_acad-ss-h_hec_2017_236_dated_
- DG/QA/HEC/2008/64: 24-4-2008
- Body by OCR===== Reference is made to your letter No. NCEAC/348/2008, Dated 18-04-2008, on the subject... d="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:dg_qa_hec_2008_64-dated-24-4-2008.
- CON.QA/HEC/TTS-137/320: 04-12-2017
- vice, as per sub-clauses (a) and (b) above, shall not be considered/counted for any financial benefit.... d="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:early-appointment-promotion-post-p
- Model Tenure Track Process Statutes V2
- "Model Tenure Track Process Statutes V2"> {{gview noreference> docs:model-tenure-track-process-statute