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- <callout type="info" title="APTTA Election 2024" icon="true">[[election2024|Details about APTTA Election ... ember]]</btn> </jumbotron> <panel type="default" title="Message of the President"> <image shape="rounde... panel> <grid> <col sm="6"> <panel type="default" title="What is TTS?"> The tenure track system (TTS) was... /panel> </col> <col sm="6"> <panel type="default" title="What is APTTA?"> The All Pakistan Tenure Track F
- 2(22/Acad(SS&H)/HEC/2017/236: 05-12-2017 @docs
- (22/Acad(SS&H)/HEC/2017/236: 05-12-2017 ====== **Title:** Notification **Common Title:** * Criteria for Evaluation, Recognition and Upgradation of Socia... e">Online View</btn> <modal id="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:2-22_aca
- DG/QA/HEC/2008/64: 24-4-2008 @docs
- ====== DG/QA/HEC/2008/64: 24-4-2008 ====== **Title:** Ph.D. Study Period to be Counted as Research Experience **Common Title:** **Number:** DG/QA/HEC/2008/64 **Dated:** ... e">Online View</btn> <modal id="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:dg_qa_he
- Model Tenure Track Process Statutes V2 @docs
- Model Tenure Track Process Statutes V2 ====== **Title:** Model Tenure Track Process Statutes **Common Title:** TTS Statues Ver 2, Model TTS Statues Ver 2 *... "hec">View Online</btn> <modal id="hec" size="lg" title="Model Tenure Track Process Statutes V2"> {{gview
- 15-54/A&C/2019/HEC-FAD(QA)/195: 5-3-2021 @docs
- 2021 ====== **Subject:** Notification **Common title:** Leave Policy **Number:** 15-54/A&C/2019/HEC-F... e">Online View</btn> <modal id="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:15-54_a_
- 15-54/A&C/2019/HEC-FAD(QA)/196: 5-3-2021 @docs
- 2021 ====== **Subject:** Notification **Common title:** Promotion from DTRC **Number:** 15-54/A&C/201... e">Online View</btn> <modal id="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:15-54_a_
- CON.QA/HEC/TTS-137/320: 04-12-2017 @docs
- sis of Post PhD Experience TTS Faculty. **Common title:** Early Promotion on TTS **Number:** CON.QA/HEC... e">Online View</btn> <modal id="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:early-ap
- 15-54/HEC/A&C/2020/1884: 16-10-2020 @docs
- 2020 ====== **Subject:** Notification **Common title:** TTS Administrative Positions October 2020 **N... e">Online View</btn> <modal id="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:tts-admi
- 15-54/Coord/2019/HEC/(QAD)/119: 07-02-2022 @docs
- 2022 ====== **Subject:** Notification **Common title:** TTS Appointment, Tenure, Promotion Granted to ... e">Online View</btn> <modal id="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:tts-auto
- CON.QA/HEC/TTS-105/01/15: 20-01-2016 @docs
- e">Online View</btn> <modal id="online" size="lg" title="Online View"> {{gview noreference>:docs:con_qa_h
- ED/HEC/TTS-105/04/78: 12-4-2016 @docs
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- Formatting Syntax @wiki
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