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- ED/HEC/TTS-105/04/78: 12-4-2016
- rsity to ensure that every faculty member working under Tenure Track System is contributing the best to a... sm of periodic evaluations so that the appointees under TTS undergo a process of evaluation on regular ba
- 15-54/Coord/2019/HEC/(QAD)/119: 07-02-2022
- n-making combined with ex-post verification. 2. Under the new system, cases of initial appointment, ten... t. Accordingly, decisions taken by the university under the [[docs:model-tenure-track-process-statutes-v2
- 15-54/A&C/2019/HEC-FAD(QA)/196: 5-3-2021
- ionally endorsed from the date of Selection Board under the declaration to be submitted by the concerned
- 15-54/HEC/A&C/2020/1884: 16-10-2020
- (with respect to the posts or positions taken up under the new policy). <callout type="success" icon="f